Tuesday, October 30, 2018


When can a president ignore the Constitution with an executive order? We may find out very soon.


I know we look busy, but think again.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

New York, part 2

After exiting the museum, we had a pretty sizable amount of time before our dinner reservation. The American Museum of Natural History borders Central Park, so we decided to spend the remaining time there. We all had something to eat from the many food vendors outside, eating on benches overlooking Central Park West.
Lisa and the elusive churro 
We wandered deeper into the park without any sort of plan, taking many bench breaks along the way for our tired feet.
Benches along Central Park West
Lucas spotted a rock which looked imminently scalable, and he attacked it.
Up he goes
Pat and Paul
We finally made it to Bethesda Terrace which overlooks The Lake in Central Park. 

There was plenty of wildlife. Pat made a friend, with the help of some Fritos.

When we determined it was time to leave, we meandered back to Central Park West, through Strawberry Fields. 
That's a lot of people looking left.

From there, it was a two block walk to the restaurant. I cannot speak for the others, but I was extremely excited to try Latin Fusion.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

New York Trip, part 1

Going to The American Museum of American History is something we have wanted to do for some time. Although some of us have been there before, we four have never been there together. The plan was to catch a train from Milford, subway to the museum, dinner with Emily, and home.

Getting to the train station was relatively uneventful. Despite having one bathroom we all were showered and out the door on time. Lisa's parents met us at the station and after buying our tickets on the platform, we boarded out train and were on our way.
Distribution of the tickets 

Public transportation is always hit or miss for us. This trip into the city was just fine, albeit a little crowded. Pat and Paul sat together, as did the children. This allowed Lisa and I a little quiet time before disembarking.

We decided to walk through Times Square to catch our subway. It was a beautiful day and I couldn't wait to find a street vendor.
Snack break #1

After almost walking past the entrance to our subway, we were able to purchase tickets and get on the train. The American Museum of Natural History has its own stop, so we walked from the subway right into the museum. Once we gained admission, a rather good food court was directly in front of us. A short commute to lunch was a tremendous surprise.

We learned about dark matter, dinosaurs, minerals, and the evolutionary process during our time there. We saw an imax show, visited the planetarium, saw many amazing things. I am very glad I wore comfortable shoes.
Who's the Neanderthal?

Is that a Borg ship?

An intent Lucas